Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

So I did Black Friday this morning. And it was very entertaining. I went to Kohl's and then Wal Mart and picked up a few things for everyone, including myself =). So we are pretty much done shopping. I do have to go get one more thing for Scott, and stocking stuffers. We can wrap at our liesure. I'm actually doing pretty good at keeping Scott's a surprise this year (something I'm not very good at).

I would like to get Christmas lights up on the house today, but I'm not going to stress about it. Thanksgiving morning was the first snow here in Spokane. Very frosty!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What's new...

Ok, It's been more than a week since I have taken the time to write anything. So, What is new here?? Well, DH felt the baby moving for the first time. My 4 yo and 1 yo went to the dentist--not too traumatic. I've been thawing the turkey--which reminds me I need to stick it in some cold water to speed up the thaw--. And I've been doing my homework singing Messiah choruses all day long to which DS rolls his eyes and stubbornly removes the cd to replace it with Beach Boys or Restless Heart, and then my DD removes That to replace it with Primary songs life goes on.